Arizona Simulation Network
A network to share and exchange ideas for bettering simulation education in AZ
The Arizona Simulation Network is announcing a call for nominations for the positions that will be coming up for election in the 2010 Election. If elected, the term is a 2 year term beginning on July 1, 2010, with exception of the Vice president/President-Elect position which becomes a 3 year term as described below. A call for nominations of the offices of Vice President / President-Elect, and Secretary, and committee positions for Simulation Education Chair, and Collaboration and Research Chair are now open. The position descriptions are:
Vice President/President-Elect:
The Vice President/President Elect shall perform the duties of the President during the President’s absence, and in the event of the President’s inability to serve, shall assume the Presidency for the balance of any un-expired term. The Vice President/President Elect shall oversee the annual review of the Bylaws and assist the Nominations Chair with the elections. The Vice President/President elect is a total of a three year team, progressing from Vice President /President elect for one year, President for one year, and immediate past President for one year.
The Secretary shall serve as the recorder of all Network official business and shall maintain records for the organization. As an officer of the Network, the Secretary shall distribute the agenda as prepared by the President for all meetings. All subsequent minutes for Network Business Meetings and Board of Directors meetings shall be prepared in collaboration with the President and distributed. The Secretary shall be a member of the Technology and Communication Committee (website, listserv).
Simulation Education Chairs and Committee:
This committee is responsible for organizing and coordinating educational opportunities for the network at the meetings and conferences while working with the hosting organization for the needed resources based on the type of program planned. The educational programs shall be based on input from the membership.
Collaboration and Research Chair and Committee:
This committee is responsible for the oversight of research, partnerships and grants. The Collaboration and Research Committee serves to promote the professional collaboration among members, partners and professional societies having common goals. They also serve to advocate for improvement and availability of clinical simulation-based modalities for education and research through simulation partnership.
If you would like to nominate a candidate, including yourself, for one of these positions please complete a biographical data form, located on the web site under documents; and submit to Nominations Chair, Lori Kurtz at
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